Black People were brought here, bought here; came here, have been here for more than 400 years; yet our collective history is largely ignored in the history books and text books. To combat this erasure, Black History Organizations have a recognized presence in most provinces. Our Society, like these others, have taken up the fight to ensure that the Black threads woven into the fabric of this country are acknowledged and respected as an integral part of this country’s strength and resilience.
Link to resources that are uniquely Canadian, devoted to the promotion and awareness of Black Canadian history. BC Black History Awareness Society is listed and many other provincial organizations in New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Ontario, Quebec, and Saskatchewan; as well as Government of Canada resources. Visit the site
Canadian Black Heritage Stamps: In 1983 Canada Post issued the first commemorative stamp to honour and recognize Josiah Henson (June 15, 1789 – May 5, 1883) author, abolitionist, and minister. Born into slavery in Maryland; Josiah Henson escaped to Upper Canada in 1830 via the Underground Railroad. One of his many accomplishments was establishing a laborer’s school for other fugitive slaves. For stamps issued beginning in 2016 you can connect to their stories from this site. View all the stamps
Salt Spring Island: Salt Spring Island’s Black Community dates back to 1858; is presented as a collection of family narratives. Descendants of these pioneers still live in the area today.
“The Hogan’s Alley Society advocates for Black Vancouverites who have endured the legacies of urban renewal and their erasure from the official historical narrative…”
Photo Credit:
Joanna Nix-Walkup, Unsplash